Developments in DOPO derivatives as FRs

Developments in DOPO derivatives as FRs

A review paper summarises recent progress in phosphorus PIN FRs derived from DOPO, replacing halogenated FRs. DOPO, 9,10-dihydro-9-oxa-10-phosphaphenanthrene-10-oxide, offers thermal and chemical stability, oxidation resistance, and its O=P-H bond enables reaction...
Developmental toxicity of brominated FR (BDE) but not PIN FR (AlPi).

Discussion of FRs in mobile phones in Ecodesign work.

Discussion of FRs in mobile phones in Ecodesign work. pinfa has input (November 2020) to the ongoing preparation of EU Ecodesign criteria for ‘Mobile phones, smartphones and tablets’ indicating the phosphorus ester FRs found in screens are probably being used for...
pinfa GA sees opportunities

pinfa GA sees opportunities

Despite Covid, pinfa members see opportunities for PIN FRs with the Green Deal and new applications. Pinfa’s second online General Assembly discussed results of projects underway on impacts of FRs on smoke, with Hervé Feuchter, CREPIM, and planned on FRs in plastics...