
Posted on 07/03/2022 in Electric & Electronic Fire Safety 2022
EU EcoDesign sells TVs in the Americas

‘Best Buy’ announces EU TV EcoDesign criteria for its leading TVs, so excluding halogenated FRs from enclosures and stand. The company is one of the world’s biggest electronics retailers with nearly US$50 billion turnover and nearly 1 200 stores worldwide. The company has announced that its Exclusive Brand TVs (own brands, including Insignia, Rocketfish, Dynex, Platinum and Modal), will respect worldwide the EU EcoDesign Regulation (EU)2019/2021 criteria for electronic displays. These criteria, which are mandatory in the EU since March 2021, ban halogenated flame retardants in the enclosure and stand of TVs and electronic displays > 100 cm2 (see pinfa Newsletter n°108).

“Best Buy commits to eco-friendly television displays”, 21 January 2022

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