
Posted on 30/01/2023 in Building & Construction Fire Safety 2023
EU Firestat project report

Report underlines importance of fire statistics to define policies to reduce fire risks and proposes standards for data. The Firestat project was requested by the European Parliament and engaged by the Commission. Information on fire statistics was collected from the 27 EU Member States and from 8 other countries (selected as having structured fire statistics systems). A literature review shows that fire data systems are important in reducing building fires and their consequences. Report recommendations concern identifying non-reporting in fire data, defining realistic data collection (not burdensome), sensitivity analysis related to data uncertainty, cost benefit analysis of fire safety policies, collection of data at the EU level and standardisation of definitions and data methodologies. A simple set of 14 information elements to include in fire data collection is proposed.

“EU Firestat project: closing data gaps and paving the way for pan-European fire safety efforts. Final Report”, Efectis, for the European Commission, 2022 See summaries of Firestat sub-reports on flame retardants in TV sets, upholstered furniture, sprinklers, combustible cladding in pinfa Newsletter n°141.

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