
Posted on 24/06/2021 in Fire Safety Regulatory 2021
EU Zero Pollution Action Plan published

This confirms the Green Deal’s targeting of endocrine disruptors, persistent and hazardous chemicals. The Zero Pollution Action Plan is presented as a ”compass for including pollution prevention in all relevant EU policies”, targeting both production and consumption (e.g. by the Sustainable Product Initiative and Product Environmental Footprint). A Zero Pollution Hierarchy is emphasised: 1) prevent pollution by clean-by-design production and the circular economy, 2) minimise releases and exposure, 3) eliminate and remediate. Emphasis is placed on combining environment with economic prosperity and jobs, and on implementation and enforcement. Little is said about chemicals, beyond stating that the already published Chemicals Strategy (see pinfa Newsletter n°119) will “phase out the most harmful chemicals – like endocrine disruptors and persistent substances – especially in consumer products”. It is also stated that the EU will promote international actions on “hazardous chemicals, persistent organic pollutants”

European Commission “Pathway to a Healthy Planet for All. EU Action Plan: ‘Towards Zero Pollution for Air, Water and Soil”, SWD(2021)140 – SWD(2021)141, 12th May 2021

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