
Posted on 14/02/2024 in Regulatory 2024
Flame retardant regulations are effective

Study suggests that regulation has been effective in reducing levels of targeted FRs in human breast milk. Analysis of over 200 published studies shows a ‘break point’ in concentrations of two FRs* regulated in Europe in 2004. Comparisons between regions with different regulatory histories confirmed the effectiveness of regulations. Data was insufficient to conclude for two other FRs regulated more recently**. The authors conclude that regulation appears to have a quantifiable effect on reducing targeted FRs in breast milk, but that monitoring needs to continue after regulation is introduced to verify impacts.

* BDE-49 =pentaBDE and BDE-99 = octaBDE.

** HBCDE and BDE-209 = decaBDE.

“Has Regulatory Action Reduced Human Exposure to Flame Retardants?”, V. van der Schyff et al., Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023, 57, 19106−19124

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