ISO FR families updated
ISO 1043-4 (Plastics) has been updated to specify separate identification of the brominated FR HBCD. The international standard ISO 1043-4 (2021) “Plastics – symbols and abbreviated terms – part 4: flame retardants” is now amended to add two specific new FR families: 23 HBCD and 24 HBCD with antimony (and to exclude HBCD from the families 14 and 15: aliphatic/alicyclic brominated compounds without or with antimony). Also, a wording modification is made for families 75 and 76 to replace (inorganic and organic) “silica compounds” by “silicon compounds”.
ISO 1043-4 (2021) “Plastics – symbols and abbreviated terms – part 4: flame retardants”, available in English for 7€38 at the Estonia standards organisation website