
Posted on 15/08/2015 in News 32 2015
Call for information on health effects of foam flame retardants

NIOSH (US National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety) is calling for information on health effects of occupational exposure to flame retardants in polyurethane foam. Companies using FR foams, in particular spray application for building insulation, are asked to provide information, or to volunteer for collection of on-site air samples during foam application and at intervals afterwards.

The objective is to define the appropriate levels of worker PPE (personal protective equipment), of ventilation and of cordoning time for spray areas after application. NIOSH already has information on the principal compound used in foams (MDI and isocyanates) but wishes to extend information on amines, glycols and flame retardants, including phosphates.

Polyurethane foam user companies willing to cooperate in data collection with NIOSH are asked to contact Cherie Estill, NIOSH  + 1 (513) 841-4476
Further information 

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