
Posted on 30/05/2023 in Fire Safety Regulatory 2023
Polluter Pays consultation to 4th Aug. 2023

Consultation ask questions about Polluter Pays policy implementation, costs and which sectors should be targeted. Several sectors concerned by flame retardants are proposed as possible targets, including plastics and rubber products, electronic and electrical equipment, vehicles, construction, wood products. Other questions address the how Polluter Pays Principle (PPP)  should be implemented and integration into and impacts on prices of products. This consultation is open to input from the general public, companies and organisations. At the same time, the recast of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive, currently in discussion in European Parliament and Council, raises the question of PPP. The Commission’s proposed text would introduce PPP (here called “Extended Producer Responsibility”) for costs of removing pharmaceutical and cosmetics residues in sewage works (Recital 13, arts. 9, 10, 30 and Annex 3) and will evaluate for 2030 whether this should be enlarged to other chemicals found in wastewater.

Legislative dossier underway Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive recast

“Polluter Pays Principle – fitness check of its application to the environment”, EU public consultation open to 4th August 2023 HERE

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