
Posted on 19/06/2024 in Electric & Electronic Fire Safety 2024
US NFPA consultation on battery standard

Call for public comment, open to 12th July, on proposed NFPA 800 Battery Safety Code covering fire, electrical, other safety. NFPA 855 (first issued 2019) covers stationary battery energy storage systems. The proposed new NFPA 800 will cover all batteries, from portable consumer products to electric vehicles, over the whole battery life cycle. The proposal is to cover battery fire and explosion risks, electrical safety, impacts on life and property, including raw materials for batteries, production, storage, use and end-of-life. The consultation is looking for input on whether there is support for development of such a standard. NFPA is also looking for candidates for a Technical Committee should the project be taken forward.

“New Standards Development on Battery Safety”, US National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), deadline for input 12th July 2024

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