pinfa China is a non-profit trade organization that brings together and represents manufacturers and users of the major flame retardant technologies.

pinfa China has two levels of membership:


Flame retardant manufacturers


Flame retardant manufacturers Synergists, Flame retardant compound formulators, fabricators and end-users

Pinfa China was founded in 2018 by seven companies, Clariant, JLS, Presafer, Huber, Nabaltec, Budenheim and Italmatch, advocating the concept of halogen-free flame retardancy.

Pinfa China – Our Mission

  • Raise public awareness of halogen-free flame retardancy, promote the use of PIN FRs (Phosphorus, Inorganic & Nitrogen Flame Retardants), and strengthening its application and competitiveness in the Chinese market
  • Provide information to producers, users and other interested parties on safety, health and environmental issues related to PIN FRs
  • Communicate and make dialogue with relevant government departments, and

actively promote social awareness of halogen-free flame retardancy

  • Work with industry partners, associations and other stakeholders to support the safety and sustainability of PIN FRs
  • Carry out research relevant to safety and sustainability

Working together

Pinfa members take forward joint projects and action in the areas of Fire Safety, Environment and Ecolabels, Recycling and Communications and different application sectors.

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