Home fire safety video

Home fire safety video

Video shows side-by-side room fire tests with UK fire-safe and US non fire-safe furniture – and how families react. Two identical open-front mock-up rooms were furnished with two sofas (one UK Furniture Fire Safety Regulations standard, using flame retardant FR, and...
Transparent, adhesive PIN FR solution

Transparent, adhesive PIN FR solution

Evonik’s new phosphorus monomer offers a safe fire safety solution (no leaching risk) for the popular material PMMA. Polymethyl methacrylate is a transparent, high-performance, thermoplastic widely used as a lightweight alternative to glass.  Evonik’s new...
pinfa-NA explainer video series – n°5

pinfa-NA explainer video series – n°5

5th educational video explains, with examples, how flame retardants can prevent fires happening or reduce their gravity. The 4 minute video outlines how FRs can prevent ignition, with the example of a burning cigarette dropped on a hotel lobby carpet. The video...
Book: Flame Retardant Nanocomposites

Book: Flame Retardant Nanocomposites

Nano-delivered PIN FRs can form nanocomposites for enhanced performance and fire safety in modern materials. This book presents a range of “emerging” nanocomposite FR solutions, including bio-based nano-materials, graphenes, minerals and metal compounds, metal-organic...
Discussing the ECHA FR Strategy

Discussing the ECHA FR Strategy

Discussion paper welcomes the ECHA FR Strategy grouping approach and proposes additional criteria. The paper, by three environmental scientists, suggests that flame retardant use should target applications where FRs bring significant fire safety benefits and where...