Textiles ensure our comfort, in curtains or car seats, but are also important in many technical uses which we do not see, in construction materials, cables, insulation, even in batteries as membranes.
PIN flame retardants improve fire resistance of textiles, reducing the risk that they catch fire, and often protecting other materials (furniture foam, composites using fibres).
PIN flame retardants are specifically adapted to the wide range of fibre materials and applications, including natural fibres, synthetic fibres and recycled fibres. They are used in decorative textiles, non-woven, technical uses, fibres in polymer composites .
PIN flame retardants can be used to limit the flammability of textiles by reacting co-monomers into synthetic polymer materials, chemical binding to natural fibres, surface treatment of fibres or coating the finished textile. The desired or required durability against wear and washing is a key criterion for choosing the appropriate textile and flame retardant combination.