Bio-based PIN flame retardants

Bio-based PIN flame retardants

Maxinne Denis, University of Montpellier, France, presented testing of bio-based PIN flame retardants for alkyd resin coatings. Alkyd resins are widely used in solvent-based paints and coatings, but are flammable (including after application) and leave solvent...
PIN FRs for bio-based insulation materials

PIN FRs for bio-based insulation materials

Lily Deborde, LGCGM Rennes University France, summarised work on PIN flame retardant alternatives to boric acid and ammonium salts for hemp fibre thermal insulation products (blown insulation, panels). The objective is to use local bio-resources in materials to reduce...
Weathering of PIN flame retardant materials

Weathering of PIN flame retardant materials

Sandrine Therias, Institut de Chimie de Clermont Ferrand France, reviewed literature on weathering of PIN flame retarded polymers. In some cases, changes in fire performance after weathering result from deterioration of the polymer, not of the flame retardant. Certain...
EU CPR text consultation

EU CPR text consultation

Proposed regulatory text for update of Construction Products Regulation. Prolonged to 12th July. This new Regulation text is likely to considerably modify conditions for validation of CE-marks and so EU market access, impacting fire safety of construction products....