
Filipe Almeida, Cefic (the European Chemical Industry Federation)

Filipe Almeida, Cefic (the European Chemical Industry Federation) underlined that the Green Deal Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability represents a radical step forward in regulation, with important changes in both REACH and CLP (Classification, Labelling and Packaging) within wider actions such as the Sustainable Products Initiative and Ecodesign. Expected major changes include new Hazard classes for chemicals, extension of Classification to mixtures, obligation to REACH Register certain polymers and to declare all polymers, and fast-track generic restrictions of whole families or classes of chemicals. Cefic estimates that some 12 000 chemicals, representing over 40% of the EU chemical industry’s turnover, are potentially concerned by currently proposed generic restrictions. One such generic group proposed covers all flame retardants (see EU "chemicals restrictions roadmap” in pinfa Newsletter n°138).