Call for fire safety in EU buildings directive
Associations say fire safety, especially for new energy systems, should be better integrated into the EU EPBD (Energy Performance of Buildings Directive). The call comes from EuroFSA (European Fire Safety Alliance, of which pinfa is a partner), FEEDs (Forum for European Electrical Domestic Safety), Fire Safe Europe and the Federation of European Fire Officers. The association supports the European Parliament position (adopted 14th March 2023, see pinfa Newsletter n°148) which reinforces requirements for actions on fire safety in the proposed EPBD recast, and which adds reference to “fire safety of solar energy installations in buildings, including in combination with technical building systems such as domestic batteries or heat pumps”, establishment of fire safety standards for roofed garages, fire safety compliance inspections, including fire safety in a “bill of materials” used in building and renovation.
European Parliament position (amendments adopted) on EPBD, 14th March 2023
“EPBD revision: Addressing fire safety will boost the safe decarbonisation of European buildings”, EuroFSA, 29th August 2023