EU public consultation on REACH revision
To 15th April. Questions on polymers, endocrine disruption, mixture effects, environmental footprint, essential use. This questionnaire is open to the general public, stakeholders and industry, and aims to shape how the EU’s chemical legislation, REACH, will be revised in the context of the Green Deal and the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. Specific questions include whether REACH should require more information on carcinogenicity, on MAF (Mixture Assessment Factors), identification of endocrine disruptors, whether certain polymers should be subject to REACH registration, dossier compliance, and whether “essential use” should target consumer or professional products. In addition to these general questions with closed answers, there is a 5 000 character comment field and the possibility to submit documents.
EU public consultation open to 15th April 2022 “Chemicals legislation – revision of REACH Regulation to help achieve a toxic-free environment”
See also previous consultation on REACH revision Roadmap in pinfa Newsletter n° 126.