
Firefighter cancer risk

Firefighters have lower overall cancer risk than general population but higher risks for certain specific cancers. Meta-analysis of 38 quality-sorted published studies (1978 – 2022) generally confirms results of previous such analysis. Firefighters show higher risks of incidence and/or mortality for certain specific types of cancer, in particular skin cancers and prostate cancer, but lower overall cancer incidence and mortality than the general population. Cancer was recognised as a firefighter health risk by the WHO’s IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) in 2022 (see pinfa Newsletter n°140). pinfa considers this a serious concern, noting that PIN flame retardants overall reduce firefighter exposure to smoke by preventing fires and reducing smoke emissions, and that it is also important to reduce firefighter exposure to smoke and soot which are always toxic.

“Cancer risk and mortality among firefighters: a meta-analytic review”, D. Lee et al., Frontiers in Oncology 2023