Human exposure to organophosphate esthers is within the reference dose (RfD)
A review of over 4 000 publications 2014-2020 identified 90 articles with useable data on organophosphate esther (OP) exposure covering OP’s used in many applications (lubricants, food packaging, plastics, plasticisers, flame retardants, glues …) and exposure via air, water, dust and food. Intake data was found for eight OP esthers (chlorinated: TCEP, TCIPP, TDCIPP; non-halogenated: TPHP, TnBP, TBOEP, TEHP, EHDPP). The sum for total intake for these eight OP esthers by all exposure pathways was considerably lower than the reference dose (RfD) for any of the OP esthers, both for adults and toddlers. The main identified intake route as in food. The authors note that further research is needed, in particular into dermal uptake.
“A critical review of human exposure to organophosphate esters with a focus on dietary intake”, M. Remilekun Gbadamosi et al., Science of the Total Environment 771 (2021) 144752