Public consultation, to 1st June 2021, on the Roadmap for revision of EU chemicals regulations REACH and CLP. This revision is a key first stage of rollout of the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (see pinfa Newsletter n°119), within the Green Deal. The Roadmap proposes to add new, or extend existing, “hazard classes” for carcinogenicity, neurotoxicity, immunotoxicity and endocrine disruption; that REACH dossiers should assess combination exposure to multiple substances (Mixture Assessment Factor MAF); to oblige registration for certain polymers; to require Environmental Footprint information in REACH dossiers; to improve supply chain communication; to accelerate and simplify the “Authorisation” process for (“candidate List” chemicals) and the Restriction process (possible generic risk approach for endocrine disruptors, PBT/vPvB, immunotoxicants, neurotoxicants, respiratory sensitisers, substances which affect specific organs) and to reinforce control and enforcement, including for imported articles.
Public consultation on revision of REACH and CLP, open to 1st June 2021