
US: tighter restrictions for DecaBDE, PIP

US EPA proposes to further restrict DecaBDE (brominated FR) and PIP (TrTPP = phenol, isopropylated, phosphate (3:1)). These flame retardants are PBT (persistent, bioaccumulative, toxic) and are already restricted since 2021 under US TCSA (Toxic Substances Control Act), with bans on production and sale of articles containing the substances, but with some exceptions. The proposed further restrictions would, for DecaBDE: require labelling of existing pallets containing DecaBDE, require use of worker personal protective equipment (PPE) when handling articles containing DecaBDE, ban release to water, modify exceptions for wires and cables for nuclear facilities and extend record keeping requirements. For PIP: modify exclusions for certain specific applications, require engineering controls when processing PIP-containing products and extend record keeping. The proposals are open to comment until 8th January 2024.

US Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 225 / Friday, November 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules