Glossary of pinfa Abbreviations
CTI | Comparative Tracking Index |
EPDM | Ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber, a synthetic rubber |
UP | Unsaturated polyester |
PFAS | Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances |
PTFE | Polytetrafluoroethylene |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission |
LEED | Leadership in Energy and Environmental Label |
USGBC | US Green Building Council |
ECHA | European Chemicals Agency |
VOC | Volatile organic carbons |
PP | Polypropylene |
PMMA | Polymethyl methacrylate |
PVC | Polyvinyl chloride |
ABS | Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene copolymers |
AOH | Aluminium-oxide-hydroxide (Boehmite) |
AP | Ammonium phosphates |
APP | Ammonium polyphosphate 68333-79-9 |
ATH | Aluminium trihydroxide 21645-51-2 |
ATO | Antimony trioxide 1309-64-4 |
BADP (or BPA-DPP) | Bisphenol-A diphenyl phosphate, EINECS 425-220-8 |
BDP (or BPA-BDPP) | Bisphenol-A-bis-diphenylphosphate 5945-33-5, 181028-79-5 |
BFR | Brominated flame retardant |
CAF | Conductive anodic filament |
CAS | Chemical Abstracts Service (run by the American Chemical Society) |
CPSC | US Consumer Product Safety Commission |
CTE | Coefficient of thermal expansion |
Deca-DBDE | Decabromodiphenyl ether 1163-19-5 |
Df | Dissipation factor |
DfE | Design for the Environment (US EPA) |
DGEBA | Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A |
DICY | Dicyandiamide |
Dk | Dielectric constant |
DOPO | Dihydro-oxa-phosphaphenantrene-oxide |
DOPO-HQ | Dihydro-oxa-phosphaphenantrene-oxidehydrochinon |
DSC | Differential scanning calorimetry |
E&E | Electric and electronic |
EFRA | European Flame Retardants Association |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
EPEAT | Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool |
EPS | Expanded Polystyrene |
EVA | Poly-ethyl-co-vinyl acetate |
FPC | Flexible printed circuit |
FR | Flame retardant |
GWFI | Glow wire flammability index |
GWIT | Glow wire ignition temperature |
GWT | Glow wire test |
HBCD | Hexabromocyclododecane 25637-99-4 |
HDT | Heat deflection temperature |
HFFR | Halogen-free flame retardant |
HIPS | High impact polystyrene |
HTN | High temperature nylon |
LOI | Limiting oxygen index |
LSF0H | Low smoke – flame retardant – zero halogen |
MC | Melamine cyanurate |
MCPP | Medium-chain chlorinated paraffins 85535-85-8 |
MDH | Magnesium hydroxide 1309-42-8 |
MPP | Melamine polyphosphate |
NEMA | National Electrical Manufacturers Association |
NGO | Non-governmental organization |
NMI | N-methylimidazole |
OBDE | Octabromodiphenyl ether 32536-52-0 |
OEM | Original equipment manufacturer |
PA | Polyamide |
PBDE | Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in general |
PBT | Persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic or (different meaning) Polybutyleneterephthalate |
PC | Polycarbonate |
PCT | Pressure cooker test |
PET | Polyethyleneterephthalat |
PIN | Phosphorus Inorganic Nitrogen |
pinfa | Phosphorus Nitrogen and Inorganic Flame Retardants Association |
PPO | Polypheneylene oxide |
PWB | Printed wiring board (synonymous to printed circuit board) |
RDP (or PBDPP) | Resorcinol bis-diphenylphosphate 57583-54-7, 125997-21-9 |
RDX | Reorcinol bis (dixylenyl phosphate) |
REACH | Registration, evaluation and authorization of chemicals |
RoHS | Restriction of certain hazardous substances in electric and electronic equipment |
RP | Red Phosphorus 7723-14-0 |
SAN | Poly-styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer |
SCPP | Short-chain chlorinated paraffins 85535-84-8 |
SNUR | Significant New Use Rules |
TBB (or EH-TBB) | 2-Ethylhexyl ester 2,3,4,5-tetrabromobenzoate |
TBBPA | Tetrabromobisphenol-A 79-94-7 |
TBEP (or TBOEP) | Tris (2-butoxyethyl) phosphate |
TBP (or TNBP) | Tri-n-butyl phosphate 126-73-8 |
TBPH (or BEH-TEBP) | 1,2-Ethylhexyl 3,4,5,6-tetrabromo-benzenedicarboxylate or (2-ethylhexyl)-3,4,5,6 tetrabromophtalate |
TCEP | Tris (2-chloroethyl) phosphate 115-96-8 |
TCP (or TMPP) | Tricresyl phosphate 1330-78-5 |
TCPP (or TCIPP) | Tris (chloroiso-propyl) phosphate 13674-84-5 |
TDCP (or TDCIPP) | Tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl)phosphate 13674-87-8 |
Tg | Glass transition temperature |
TGA | Thermogravimetric analysis |
THPC | Tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium chloride [P(CH2OH)4]Cl), an organophosphorus compound |
TPP (or TPHP) | Triphenyl phosphate 115-86-6 |
TSCA | US Toxic Substances Control Act |
UL | Underwriters Laboratories |
vPvB | Very persistent, very bioaccumulative |
WEEE | Waste of electric and electronic equipment |
XPS | Expanded Polystyrene |