H&M on Safe and Sustainable by Design

H&M on Safe and Sustainable by Design

Clothing and interior company H&M calls the EU to require chemical assessment methodology and full disclosure. H&M’s position on Safe-by-Design chemicals and circularity (published by ChemSec) states that chemical management is an essential part of H&M’s...
Chemical Ingredient Disclosure

Chemical Ingredient Disclosure

Over 100 companies and organisations have defined and endorsed six principles for access to information on chemicals. The principles have been developed by a stakeholder coalition, led by Clean Production Action (CPA), over the last 18 months, and other companies and...
ChemSec on “Essential Use”

ChemSec on “Essential Use”

NGO ChemSec says hazardous chemicals must disappear if their function, even if important, can be achieved otherwise. The environmental organisation proposes a five-question process to identify “Essential Use” of hazardous chemicals, suggesting that any use of...
Risk scientists criticise Chemicals Strategy

Risk scientists criticise Chemicals Strategy

Scientists of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment question the scientific basis of the new EU Chemicals Strategy, in particular the hazard-based approach. The eight scientists suggest that the new Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) was developed...
US federal furniture fire safety enacted

US federal furniture fire safety enacted

The CPSC has issued a final federal rule to require for cigarette ignition resistance of all upholstered furniture, as passed in the COVID–19 Regulatory Relief and Work From Home Safety Act (see pinfa Newsletter n°122). The rule is based on California TB 117-2013 and...