Regulatory and testing

Regulatory and testing

Tim Reilly, Clariant, summarised regulatory developments in the USA, underlining that this is largely driven by NGOs, often via political action in one or a few States. Federal action has mainly targeted “PBT” chemicals (Persistent, Bio-accumulative, Toxic),...
Looking for non-halogenated anti-drip

Looking for non-halogenated anti-drip

Yiming Zhang, Case Western Reserve University, discussed possible alternatives to PTFE to prevent melt-drip. PTFE (PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene, a PFAS chemical) is widely used at low doses to prevent melt-drip of polymers in fire, in particular for PIN-FR...
Bio-based flame retardants

Bio-based flame retardants

Kari Ingalls, Tidal Vision, presented the company’s chitosan products, sourced from seafood processing wastes (crab shells), which have many applications including as PIN flame retardants. Chitosan is the second most abundant biological polymer, is positively...
Changsa China skyscraper façade fire

Changsa China skyscraper façade fire

One side of the 42-storey China Telecom building rapidly engulfed in flame in presumed façade cladding fire. Media reports suggest that the cause may have been a fault in an aircon unit or lighting. Official media indicate no casualties and that the fire was rapidly...
EU plans wildfire preparedness

EU plans wildfire preparedness

The European Commission and Council have outlined the need for increased wildfire action in the face of climate change risks. At an informal meeting 5th September, EU Member States, the commission and the Czech Council Presidency gave tribute to firefighters’...