
1 000 downloads PIN FR smoke toxicity study

Science publication of pinfa study on PIN flame retardant polymer smoke emissions downloaded more than 1 000 times after eighteen months. Already 1 500 views were clocked several months ago, now the paper has also exceeded 1 000 full reads online or downloads. The paper in ‘Fire & Material’s’, by authors from CREPIM France and pinfa, presents results of tests on 72 formulations of 10 polymers. Results showed no significant increase in smoke density or toxicity with PIN FRs. See pinfa Newsletter n° 149.

“The impact of halogen free phosphorus, inorganic and nitrogen flame retardants on the toxicity and density of smoke from 10 common polymers”, H. Feuchter, F. Poutch, A. Beard, Fire and Materials. 2023;1–21,