
Call for evidence on alternatives to BFRs

ECHA public call, open to 28th June, looks for information on alternatives to replace aromatic brominated flame retardants. ECHA requests information on uses and applications of aromatic brominated flame retardants (BFRs) which are being assessed for possible Restriction under REACH, information on why FRs are needed, on possible alternative FRs or inherently fire-safe materials, and where possible reformulation or redesign costs and time needed for implementation.

This follows the European Commission mandate to ECHA for further work on flame retardants (December 2023, pinfa Newsletter n°159), in particular to assess whether aromatic brominated flame retardants (BFRs) should be ‘Restricted’, and the ECHA call for information on aromatic brominated FRs (April 2024, pinfa Newsletter n°158).

The survey lists fifty BFRs under assessment for possible restriction, including BDEs, brominated phthalates, bromophenols, TBBPA and their derivatives. Comments are request on a table of some 200 identified BFR/use combinations and on a table of around 150 possible substitute FRs (all of which are organophosphates, and some of which are chlorinated), with the possibility to indicate additional possible substitute FRs.

pinfa has met ECHA and clarified that the aim is to identify: uses for which alternatives are available on the market and already implemented by EU actors, uses for which alternatives appear to be generally available but more time is needed to substitution, uses for which alternatives may not be readily available to implement, and for each identified use information on alternative FRs, alternative materials, technical feasibility and economic considerations.

pinfa is coordinating an industry input to ECHA with information from pinfa members (subject to anti-trust and confidentiality). Compounders, OEMs and PIN FR users, PIN FR manufacturers and other companies are invited to also submit information directly to ECHA using the excel file provided on the survey website.

ECHA call for information and evidence “Aromatic brominated substances”, open to 28th June 2024