Canada firefighters call to ban halogen FRs
Victoria Fire Fighters Association calls for a ban* on organohalogenated flame retardants in furniture, mattresses, children’s products and electronics casings. The report submitted to the Canada federal regulators by the University of Victoria (UVic) for the fire fighters’ association also says other (non-halogenated) FRs, in these products, must demonstrate** safety to health, necessity of use and no safer alternative. The report says that “additive, non-polymeric, organohalogen flame retardants are the most concerning class of flame retardants” and that halogenated FRs “pose elevated health risks upon combustion – a problem that poses a particular health risk for fire fighters who are exposed to the toxins that are released from combustion”.
* similar to legislation in California, Maine and Rhode Island. ** similar to legislation in California, Oregon and Minnesota. “Common fire retardants killing firefighters, UVic report”, Vancouver Sun 15th May 2020 and report “Raising the alarm: the case for better flame retardant regulation in Canada”, University of Victoria Environmental Law Centre, May 2020