Cost of fire in England: 12 billion UK£/year
Government estimates total fire costs at 12 bn UK£/y, of which a 1/4 is impacts of fire, and 3/4 fire prevention and mitigation. The report covers only fires attended by fire services, for the year ending March 2020 and covers only England (population 56.5 million, 2021, so total cost = c. UK£ 210/person/year). The “marginal” costs of fires (consequences of fires which would be reduced if the number of fires was reduced) is estimated at 4.6 bn UK£/y, of which around 2 bn is from property damage, 0.3 bn from road vehicle damage and 0.4 bn from physical and emotional harm to people. Fire consequence costs also include lost output from property damage or victims lost work time, health service costs, environmental costs, administration of fire insurance claims and (marginal) costs of fire service interventions. The 8.8 bn UK£/y “anticipation” costs comes mainly from 4.6 bn fire defence spending in buildings, 2 bn fire defence in consumer goods and 1.4 bn fire and rescue service (fixed) costs.
UK Government Home Office “Research and analysis. Economic and social cost of fire” 29th June 2023