
E-waste FRs below risk threshold

Dermal and inhalation exposure to flame retardants of electronics waste dismantling workers below risk levels. Two studies estimated dermal and inhalation exposure to different FRs of workers in a Catalunya e-waste facility (cathode ray tube dismantling, general e-waste grinding). Dermal exposure was assessed by looking at FR accumulation in cloth of T-shirts (particles) and using wristbands which capture volatile compounds. A second study assessed inhalation. Combining both exposures resulted in calculated cancer and other risks below thresholds. The use of PPE (personal protective equipment, e.g. face masks) and frequent washing of clothes are recommended to reduce exposure.

“Dermal exposure assessment of formal e-waste dismantlers to flame retardants and plasticizers using passive sampling methodologies”, A. Balasch et al., Environment International 192 (2024) 109021,

“Exposure of e-waste dismantlers from a formal recycling facility in Spain to inhalable organophosphate and halogenated flame retardants”, A. Balasch et al., Chemosphere 294, 2022