
EAPFP says fire safety key to sustainability

Input to the CPR revision says fire performance should be a key performance indicator for building sustainability. The European Association for Passive Fire Protection (EAPFP) welcomes the proposed revised legislative text for the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) as a key tool for ensuring a level playing field and harmonised standards for building materials across Europe. EAPFP’s position raises several points about harmonisation, standards implementation and guidance and welcomes the integration of Green Deal sustainability goals into the CPR revision proposal. EAPFP underlines that fire safety is essential for sustainability of buildings and of building materials, and the resistance to fire is essential to restrict fire spread, which reduces the environmental impact of fire incidents.

European Commission proposed legislative text for revision of the Construction Products Directive (“Proposal for a Regulation”), 3 April 2022

EAPFP “The European Association for Passive Fire Protection (EAPFP) position on the Revision of the Construction Product (CPR) regulation”, July 2022