Fire safety of roof photovoltaic panels
Experts say PV panel fires will increase with installation and underline need to mitigate ignition and fire spread. 30-page building institute guidance document explains fire risks of solar PV panels on flat roofs and identifies actions to reduce these risks. Ong et al. 2022 (see pinfa Newsletter 143) estimated occurrence of fires in PV panels at around 3 fires per year per 100 MWh capacity installed. The report from ZAG FRISSBE Solvenia (Grunde Jonaas et al.) underlines the need to reduce the risk of fire starting in the solar panels (ignition) and to reduce risk of the fire spreading to roofing and building materials, in particular insulation. pinfa notes that flame retardants are key to preventing ignition of polymers used in PV cables, electronics and connectors, backing membranes and insulation.
“Photovoltaic fire safety: Comprehensive measures to mitigate fire risks”, International Fire Safety Journal, 26 June 2024,
“Publication of Building Applied Photovoltaics (BAPV) Fire Safety Guideline”, FRISSBE (Fire Safe Sustainable Built Environment, EU Horizon 2020 project), Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG), 7th May 2024, and report