Flammable mattress blamed for hotel fire
An air conditioner fault igniting a mattress caused a fire which killed 7 and injured 12 in hotel in Bucheon, South Korea, according to authorities based on CCTV footage. Guests entering a hotel room heard a noise from the air conditioner and smelled smoke, asked for and moved to another room. The first room door was left open and smoke spread rapidly to the whole floor. Authorities indicate that the fire was caused by sparks from a short-circuit or other electrical fault in the air conditioner igniting a flammable mattress and sofa nearby. The fire deaths were blamed on rapid spread of toxic smoke. The hotel was not equipped with sprinklers, and was not legally required to have these.
“Flammable mattresses blamed for hotel fire in Gyeonggi that killed seven” https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/2024-08-25/national/socialAffairs/Flammable-mattresses-blamed-for-hotel-fire-in-Gyeonggi-that-killed-seven/2120019 and “Why did the Bucheon hotel fire claim so many lives?” https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2024/12/113_381102.html - date of fire: 22nd August 2024
Photo - FIRSTPOSTIN: https://www.facebook.com/firstpostin/videos/fire-breaks-out-at-a-hotel-in-south-korea-at-least-7-dead-subscribe-to-firstpost/1139984923730865/