H&M on Safe and Sustainable by Design
Clothing and interior company H&M calls the EU to require chemical assessment methodology and full disclosure. H&M’s position on Safe-by-Design chemicals and circularity (published by ChemSec) states that chemical management is an essential part of H&M’s vision to lead change to safe products and toxic-free fashion by 2030. H&M says that communication of chemical hazards to downstream users is today inadequate and calls for an EU harmonised hazard assessment methodology to future-proof circularity. H&M already applies the precautionary principle, phasing out chemicals before consensus is reached on specific hazard categories and applies a ‘class approach’ to restrictions. H&M calls for confidential full disclosure of all intentional ingredients at any concentration and of unintentional contaminants at > 100 ppm, using a cross-industry standard methodology (e.g. GreenScreenTM) with independent third-party assessment, under confidentiality to ensure protection of Intellectual property of suppliers.
“H&M wants EU safe and sustainable by design criteria to focus on hazard assessment, disclosure”, in ChemicalWatch 25 March 2021 https://chemicalwatch.com/237405/hm-wants-eu-safe-and-sustainable-by-design-criteria-to-focus-on-hazard-assessment-disclosure
“H&M Group’s position on safe-by-design chemicals definition to drive circular economy”, posted by ChemSec, 15 April 2021 https://chemsec.org/hm-groups-position-on-safe-by-design-chemicals-definition-to-drive-circular-economy/