MEPs call for building fire standards
Tanja Fajon (S&D, Slovenia) and Sirpa Pietikaïnen (EPP, Finland) called to ensure fire safety in building renovation in EU Renovation Wave investments at a webinar on the EU Green Deal and fire resilient buildings. They underlined the need for demanding building fire standards, and for their implementation, including in building renovation and maintenance, noting the need to build relevant professional fire safety competence. Other speakers included Margaret McNamee, Lund University and Ivo Jaanisoo, Estonia Ministry of Economic Affairs, who both underlined the specific fire safety challenges of green buildings, including timber construction. The webinar also discussed the need to address environmental impacts of fires, both immediate risks of smoke toxicity and overall pollution emissions from accidental fires.
Digital Roundtable: Boosting the EU Green Deal with fire resilience, 30th September 2020 Watch on YouTube