
No agreement reached on UN plastics treaty

The 5th UN ‘Global Plastics Treaty’ session failed to reach agreement and closed on 1st December with no treaty, after two years of negotiation. The 5th session was a week of discussions with over 3 300 participants from over 170 countries. There were disagreements on the reduction of overall plastic production, banning of certain plastic products, chemicals of concern in products, design of plastics, extended producer responsibility and waste management. Agreement was reached on a 22-page “Chair’s Text” which will be the basis for future negotiations. This contains different options of the various articles of a possible future treaty text. This text includes for example the proposal (art. 3) to prohibit / reduce / manage … the manufacture of articles … containing chemicals which are hazardous / identified in the treaty as posing a risk in the relevant article / toxic to health or the environment … and a proposal on requiring information on certain chemicals in plastic products and traceability.

“EU regrets inconclusive global plastics treaty”, European Commission (DG ENVI), 2nd December 2024

“Plastic pollution treaty negotiations adjourn in Busan, to resume next year”, United Nations, 1st December 2024

Agreed “Chair’s Text”, United Nations, 1st December 2024