
Organic contaminants released in fires

Five full-scale fire tests in furnished rooms show that levels of PAHs (polyaromatic hydrocarbons) and derivates of brominated and phosphorus flame retardants in fire gases and soot depend on the intensity of fire and to some extent on fire extinguishing method. Water mist with additive used for fire extinguishing generated less brominated emissions and less PAHs than conventional spray nozzle fire-fighting. The researchers note the presence of TDTBPP (tris(2,4-di-tert-butylphenyl)phosphate), assumed to derive from phosphorus-based FRs, suggesting research is needed into possible environmental release of this stable organophosphate antioxidant.

“Organic contaminants formed during fire extinguishing using different firefighting methods assessed by nontarget analysis”, F. Dubocq et al., Environmental Pollution 265 (2020) 114834