
PIN FR for lightweight battery enclosures

Fraunhofer WKI and IWU aim for PIN flame retardant composite EV battery enclosures for low weight, heat dissipation. The COOLBat project, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economics and Climate, will develop carbon fibre composite electric vehicle battery enclosures integrating structural strength and heat dissipation (phase change material and cooling channels), foam for protection from impacts and accidents and fire safety, using a non-halogenated (PIN = phosphorus, inorganic, nitrogen) flame retardant coating. This has been developed at Fraunhofer WKI and tested at Fraunhofer IWU. The aim is to achieve a 60% weight reduction compared to steel enclosures, with space reduction and comparable performance, for batteries in electric vehicles, ships, aircraft and targeted energy storage applications.

“EV Battery Enclosures with Lower Carbon Emissions”, 2nd September 2024

Photo: Fraunhofer IWU “Aluminum foam sandwich base panel with integrated cooling structure”