UK Government positions on furniture FRs, chemicals
The UK Government has published detailed response to the UK Parliamentary report recommendations on chemicals in consumer products (“Toxic Chemicals in Everyday Life”, see pinfa Newsletter n°104). On flame retardants in furniture, this largely refers to the Government position of 18th July 2019 on updating of the UK Furniture Fire Safety Regulations (see above), underlining a “focus on safety outcomes such as reduced risk of ignition and reduced risk of fire-spread”, whilst allowing for innovation and technological advances. Revised Regulations are announced for autumn 2021. The UK Government essentially rejected the Parliamentary report proposals, in particular the suggestion of labelling products to indicate contained chemicals. The Government indicated that the UK will continue to apply REACH requirements, in particular the SVHC (substances of very high concern) list, after BREXIT, with the only divergence being the possibility for the UK to require additional or tighter constraints.
“Toxic Chemicals in Everyday Life: Government Response to the Committee’s Twentieth Report of Session 2017–19”, 16 September 2019