Wind industry should prioritise fire safety
Report says wind farms need to address fire safety as concerns are expressed by regulators and by the public. The report is by FireTrace, a company providing fire suppression systems for wind turbines. It points to the high downtime cost in case of fire on a windfarm, increasing public concern expressed during licensing procedures, and increased fire risk and possible consequences as windfarms integrate battery storage. Fire safety regulations for wind turbines are indicated to already be in place in Australia, Denmark, Germany, Japan, South Korea, UK and some states in Canada and in the USA. Some operators are adhering to the voluntary guidelines of CFPA-Europe (Confederation of Fire Protection Associations). These guidelines specify that “fire resistant components” shall be used.
“Wind industry must urgently prioritise fire safety, amidst growing public concern”, Strategic Risk Global .com, 24th September 2024
FireTrace report “Ahead of the game. Benefits of early installation of fire suppression systems in wind turbines” (14 pages)
“Wind turbines fire protection guideline”, CFPA-E Guideline No 22:2022 F Confederation of Fire Protection Associations