European Fire Safety Manifesto 2024-2029

European Fire Safety Manifesto 2024-2029

18 organisations, including pinfa, call for a comprehensive EU fire safety strategy from the next Parliament and Commission. The 6-page Manifesto aims to ensure fire safety for EU citizens in all types of building across Europe. Five thousand people are killed by fire...
Chemical industry transition initiatives call

Chemical industry transition initiatives call

European Commission open information call on initiatives for the green and digital transition of the EU chemical industry. The call is open to companies, public organisations and other stakeholders. It aims to collect and publish information on initiatives for a...
Fire safety and ‘subsidiarity’ in the EU

Fire safety and ‘subsidiarity’ in the EU

European Fire Safety Week webinar (available online) examines the EU’s role in fire safety and Member States’ competence, with Theresa Griffin, previously Member of the European Parliament for the UK and Antonio Estella De Noriego, legal expert at Carlos III...
UN Plastics Treaty targets halogenated FRs

UN Plastics Treaty targets halogenated FRs

United Nations negotiations on global Plastics Treaty (INC3) considers both plastic waste and plastics additives. The core aim of the proposed UNEP globally “legally binding instrument on plastic pollution in the marine environment” (UN plastics treaty) is to reduce...
European Commission reply on fire safety

European Commission reply on fire safety

Commission says it is “important to address fire safety related to the green transition” in reply to joint letter signed by pinfa and nearly twenty other organisations (see pinfa Newsletter n°152). Paula Pinho, Director at DG Energy, responsible for the Just...